"""Main module."""
from math import pi
import keras
import time
import numpy
from typing import List, Union, Callable
import sklearn.decomposition
import sklearn.metrics
[docs]class BaseAutoEncoder(object):
def __init__(self):
self.model = None
[docs] @staticmethod
def circular_unit(name: str, comp: int = 2) -> Callable:
"""Create a circular unit
:param name: Name of this unit
:param comp: components of phases. 2
:return: function f: input tensor -> output tensor
def func(x):
out = []
if comp < 2:
raise ValueError("comp must be at least 2")
elif comp == 2:
out = [keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: keras.backend.sin(x), name=name + '_sin')(x),
keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: keras.backend.cos(x), name=name + '_cos')(x)]
out = [
keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: keras.backend.sin(x + 2 * pi * i / comp), name=name + '_' + str(i))(x)
for i in range(comp)]
out = keras.layers.Concatenate(name=name + '_out')(out)
return out
return func
[docs] @staticmethod
def logistic_unit(name: str, n: int, trans: bool = True, reg_scale: float = 1e-2, reg_trans: float = 1e-2) -> Callable:
"""Create a logistic unit
:param name: Name of this unit
:param n: Number of perceptrons
:param trans: Allow translation (i.e. b in Ax + b)
:param reg_scale: regularization on scaling (i.e. A in Ax + b)
:param reg_trans: regularization of translation
:return: function f: input tensor -> output tensor
def func(x):
x = keras.layers.Dense(name=name + '_scale',
x = keras.layers.Activation(name=name + '_out',
return x
return func
[docs] @staticmethod
def linear_unit(name: str, n: int, trans: bool = True, reg_scale: float = 1e-2, reg_trans: float = 1e-2) -> Callable:
"""Create a logistic unit
:param name: Name of this unit
:param n: Number of perceptrons
:param trans: Allow translation (i.e. b in Ax + b)
:param reg_scale: regularization on scaling (i.e. A in Ax + b)
:param reg_trans: regularization of translation
:return: function f: input tensor -> output tensor
def func(x):
x = keras.layers.Dense(name=name + '_scale',
return x
return func
[docs] @staticmethod
def encoder(name: str, size: List[int], reg: float, drop: float, act: Union[str, Callable] = 'tanh') -> Callable:
"""Create a nonlinear encoder
:param name: Name of this unit
:param size: Size of each layer
:param reg: regularization strength
:param drop: dropout rate
:param act: activation function
:return: function f: input tensor -> output tensor
def func(x):
for i, w in enumerate(size):
x = keras.layers.Dense(name=name + str(i) + '_scale',
if drop > 0:
x = keras.layers.Dropout(name=name + str(i) + '_dropout',
x = keras.layers.Activation(name=name + str(i) + '_act',
x = keras.layers.Dense(name=name + '_out',
return x
return func
[docs] @staticmethod
def linear_bypass(name: str, n: int, reg: float) -> Callable:
"""Create a linear encoder
:param name:
:param n:
:param reg:
:return: function f: input tensor -> output tensor
def func(x):
x = keras.layers.Dense(name=name + '_out',
return x
return func
[docs] @staticmethod
def decoder(name: str, n: int) -> Callable:
"""Create a dncoder
:param name:
:param n: Output width
:return: function f: input tensor -> output tensor
def func(x: list):
if len(x) > 1:
x = keras.layers.Concatenate(name=name + '_concat')(x)
x = x[0]
x = keras.layers.Dense(name=name + '_out',
return x
return func
[docs] def save(self, filepath):
"""Save a BaseAutoEncoder object
:param filepath: h5 suffix is recommended, i.e., filename.h5
[docs] def load(self, filepath):
"""Load a BaseAutoEncoder object
:param filepath:
self.model = keras.models.load_model(filepath, custom_objects={"keras": keras, "keras.backend": keras.backend})
[docs] class MyCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):
"""Call back function for
:param interval: report loss, time, etc. per interval epochs
def __init__(self, interval):
self.cnt = 0
self.interval = interval
self.start_time = 0
self.rec = {'time': [], 'loss': []}
[docs] def on_train_begin(self, logs=None):
self.start_time = time.time()
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
self.cnt += 1
self.rec['time'].append(time.time() - self.start_time)
if self.cnt % self.interval == 0:
print(f'epoch: {self.cnt}/{self.params["epochs"]}, loss: {logs.get("loss") : .4f}, '
f'time elapsed: {self.rec["time"][-1] : .2f}s, '
f'time left: {((self.params["epochs"] / self.cnt - 1) * self.rec["time"][-1]) : .2f}s')
[docs] def show_structure(self):
"""Show the structure of the network
:return: The graph for the structure
from IPython.display import SVG
from keras.utils.vis_utils import model_to_dot
return SVG(model_to_dot(self.model, show_shapes=True).create(prog='dot', format='svg'))
[docs]class AutoEncoder(BaseAutoEncoder):
"""A Cyclum style autoencoder
:param input_width: width of input, i.e., number of genes
:param encoder_depth: depth of encoder, i.e., number of *hidden* layers
:param encoder_width: width of encoder, one of the following:
* An integer stands for number of nodes per layer. All hidden layers will have the same number of nodes.
* A list, whose length is equal to `encoder_depth`, of integers stand for numbers of nodes of the layers.
:param n_circular_unit: 0 or 1, number of circular unit; may add support for 1+ in the future.
:param n_logistic_unit: number of logistic (tanh) unit which *runs on the circular embedding*. Under testing.
:param n_linear_unit: number of linear unit which runs *on the circular embedding*. Under testing.
:param n_linear_bypass: number of linear components.
:param dropout_rate: rate for dropout.
:param nonlinear_reg: strength of regularization on the nonlinear encoder.
:param linear_reg: strength of regularization on the linear encoder.
:param filepath: filepath of stored model. If specified, all other parameters are omitted.
def __init__(self,
input_width: int = None,
encoder_depth: int = 2,
encoder_width: Union[int, List[int]] = 50,
n_circular_unit: int = 1,
n_logistic_unit: int = 0,
n_linear_unit: int = 0,
n_linear_bypass: int = 0,
dropout_rate: float = 0.0,
nonlinear_reg: float = 1e-4,
linear_reg: float = 1e-4,
filepath: str = None
if input_width is None:
if type(encoder_width) is int:
encoder_size = [encoder_width] * encoder_depth
elif type(encoder_width) is list and len(encoder_width) == encoder_depth:
encoder_size = encoder_width
raise ValueError("encoder_width must be either (1) an integer or (2) a list of integer, whose length is "
"equal to encoder_depth.")
y = keras.Input(shape=(input_width,), name='input')
x = self.encoder('encoder', encoder_size, nonlinear_reg, dropout_rate, 'tanh')(y)
chest = []
if n_linear_bypass > 0:
x_bypass = self.linear_bypass('bypass', n_linear_bypass, linear_reg)(y)
if n_logistic_unit > 0:
x_logistic = self.logistic_unit('logistic', n_logistic_unit)(x)
if n_linear_unit > 0:
x_linear = self.linear_unit('linear', n_linear_unit)(x)
if n_circular_unit > 0:
x_circular = self.circular_unit('circular')(x)
y_hat = self.decoder('decoder', input_width)(chest)
self.model = keras.Model(outputs=y_hat, inputs=y)
[docs] def pre_train(self, data, n_linear_bypass: int, epochs: int = 100, verbose: int = 10, rate: float = 1e-4):
"""Train the network with PCA. May save some training time. Only applicable to circular with linear bypass.
:param data: data used
:param n_linear_bypass: number of linear bypasses, must be the same as the one specified during the init.
:param epochs: training epochs
:param verbose: per how many epochs does it report the loss, time consumption, etc.
:param rate: training rate
:return: history of loss
pca_model = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_linear_bypass + 2)
pca_load = pca_model.fit_transform(data)
stdd_pca_load = pca_load / numpy.std(pca_load, axis=0) / 3
if n_linear_bypass > 0:
pretrain_model = keras.Model(outputs=self.model.get_layer('decoder_concat').output,
pretrain_model = keras.Model(outputs=self.model.get_layer('circular_out').output,
my_callback = self.MyCallback(verbose)
pretrain_model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(rate))
history = pretrain_model.fit(data, stdd_pca_load, epochs=epochs, verbose=0, callbacks=[my_callback])
return history
[docs] def train(self, data, batch_size: int = None, epochs: int = 100, verbose: int = 10, rate: float = 1e-4):
"""Train the model. It will not reset the weights each time so it can be called iteratively.
:param data: data used for training
:param batch_size: batch size for training, if unspecified default to 32 as is set by keras
:param epochs: number of epochs in training
:param verbose: per how many epochs does it report the loss, time consumption, etc.
:param rate: training rate
:return: history of loss
my_callback = self.MyCallback(verbose)
history = self.model.fit(data, data, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose=0, callbacks=[my_callback])
return history
[docs] def predict_pseudotime(self, data):
"""Predict the circular pseudotime
:param data: data to be used for training
:return: the circular pseudotime
res = keras.backend.function(inputs=[self.model.get_layer('input').input],
return res[0]
[docs] def predict_linear_bypass(self, data):
"""Predict the linear bypass loadings.
:param data: data to be used for training
:return: the circular pseudotime
res = keras.backend.function(inputs=[self.model.get_layer('input').input],
return res[0]
[docs] def get_weight(self):
"""Get the weight of the transform, where the last two dimensions are for the sinusoidal unit
:return: a matrix
layer = self.model.get_layer('decoder_out')
return layer.get_weights()[0]